- Online booking and payments are safe and Triptadka ensures utmost safety and privacy of data.
- All payment getways of renowned service providers are integrated with the website.
- Bookings can be done by paying 100% or 50% payment, balance payment can be paid time of check-in.
Cancellation Rules and refund rules as below.
- Day – 15 days = 100% Refund.
- Day – 7 days = 50% Refund.
- No cancellation and refund will be allowed in any circumstances if the check-in date falls within 7 days of booking date.
No cancellation or refund will be allowed
- If guests does not like rooms or villa.
- Due to any personal emergencies of the guests.
- Due to early check-out for personal reasons or complaints about resort services.
- In case any refunds are approved by management, refunds will be provided within 15 working days from the time of approval.